When transferring funds from your Cash App account to your linked bank account or debit card, you may encounter a "cash-out failed" error message. This error, often accompanied by codes like "Transfer failed" or "Transaction unsuccessful," requires understanding its underlying causes before proceeding with the troubleshooting steps.
Common Causes of Cash-Out Failed Errors
To resolve the "cash-out failed" error on Cash App, it's important to consider the following common causes:
Insufficient Funds: Ensure your Cash App account has enough balance to cover the withdrawal.
Connectivity Issues: Check your internet connection and wait for a stable network before retrying the cash-out.
Outdated App Version: Update your Cash App to the latest version to avoid compatibility issues.
Invalid Bank or Card Details: Verify that the linked bank account and debit card information is accurate and up to date.
Security Measures:Cash App says cash out failed if any suspicious activity is detected or your account is flagged for security reasons.